Sonrise Ministries Uganda Under a Pandemic


From Uganda, we are praying for you! 


We’ve been under a government-imposed lockdown for the past 2+ weeks.  April 14th, the president of Uganda directed that we continue our stay in place order for another 21 days, then reevaluate.  Basically, they won’t open our country up until the world improves.  So all our homes are staying close and doing our best to protect our ministries from infection.

For those who have visited us know, Ugandans are very dependent on transportation by automobiles, boda’s and on foot.  Ugandan’s are being prohibited from driving personal autos unless there is a critical medical need.  There are imposed curfews which prevent all from being out after 6:30 PM.  Boda’s are allowed on the roads but with no passengers.  This has resulted in no motorized way to get to your workplace or to purchase food should you have money.  No street vendors are allowed to operate.  All of this is causing many to search for ways to feed their families.  


There are government-imposed restrictions placed on anyone desiring to distribute food to those in need.  Sonrise can distribute food with the necessary approvals and security protection.  We are doing the best we can within our means to support those in our area of influence without placing our staff in danger.  We must accomplish this in a discrete manner, or we’ll have unmanageable mobs.  Pray for us as our staff takes small steps to accomplish this task as long as funds permit.

Specific Prayer Needs:

 1.     Ability to secure travel permits for monetary purposes.   This must occur in order to cover the long list of responsibilities such as feeding our children, buying diapers, medical supplies and medications, pay our staff, feed the school children, pay taxes, and provide food to the vulnerable through our churches.  So many families are without jobs and or food.   

2.     With Uganda’s boarders closed for an uncertain period, our summer service teams have either canceled or facing possible cancellation.  These visiting teams are extremely important and encouraging to our ministry.  Here are some direct impacts:

a)     No medical clinics, pastoral training conferences, women’s leadership conferences, constructing homes for those in need, handing out blessing bags (food kits) to the needy, evangelism in unreached areas, and church planting.  Most teams come with blessing boxes with much needed supplies to supply us for a year, such as clothes, shoes, medical supplies, baby formula, diapers, baby supplies, school supplies and teaching supplies.

b)     Teams have blessed us so much each year by providing funds to purchase mosquito nets, medications, shoes for children, kitchen supplies, clothing bundles and Bibles.

c)     A portion of the team fees help Sonrise cover rental of two guest homes (Kamuli and Jinja), address outstanding hospital bills, vehicle repairs, and so much more.

3.     Self-Sustaining projects: You may have heard us talk about our desire to become more self-sufficient and not rely totally on donations.  We are praying God allow us to expand our land areas for agriculture and farming.  With generous donor support, some major steps have occurred in this area but more is needed. 

 We ask that you pray with us that God meet our needs.  We know He will!

 We understand that some of our regular donors are facing financial difficulties.  For those that can we ask that you prayerfully consider giving to help us address the needs listed above.  Please email us at for more specifics regarding costs of specific needs.   

We are praying for each of you and praying for a healing on the world; that all will humble themselves and seek God in all things. 


Damali, Ivan, Melissa and Daniel
Ugandan Directors