Dental Care

Need: Provide improved dental care for 145 Sonrise children and aunties.

Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home compound

Yearly dental cleanings has been nearly impossible with 145 children and adults that need care. Healthier teeth, less cavities, and overall general health! 

Proposal: We are looking for someone who will pledge to give a yearly or monthly gift to ensure the well-being of our Sonrise family through dental care.

Budget: $5,400 (Annually)  ($450 Monthly)

>> A parallel need is Orthodontics Care

Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.

Malaria Prevention & Care

Need: Mosquito nets, medication, test kits for Sonrise and village School children

Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home compound

Background: The World Health Organization has defined “Malaria as a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable. Children aged under 5 years are the most vulnerable group affected by malaria; in 2019, they accounted for 67% (274 000) of all malaria deaths worldwide. The first symptoms – fever, headache, and chills – may be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, malaria can progress to severe illness, often leading to death.” Body aches, diarrhea and vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss can also be experienced. It goes untreated it can progress into the brain which can cause death.

Purpose: Malaria is very prevalent in our area. A key component of preventing an infection is making sure we have mosquito nets on all the Children’s Home beds, without holes, to keep mosquitos out during sleep. With the constant wear and tear of draping, tucking and untucking the nets under the foam mattress pad, plus kids being kids, nets must be replaced frequently. Prevention also includes medication (tablets), test kits and papaya leaf tea, all of which we must purchase. We strive to assist village families with nets and medications when possible. Accute untreated cases of malaria result in death.


  1. Healthier children yields happier children!

  2. Increased school attendance

  3. Nets reduce malaria cases and medication needs 

Need: Please help us cover our annual cost of the mosquito nets to ensure our children are safe at night while they sleep.  

Budget: $4,500 (Annually) or $375 (Monthly) 

>>. A parallel need is general medical supplies

Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.

Birthday Parties

Need: To provide a birthday party for approx. 90 children each month. 

Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home

Background: It’s always fun to help our children celebrate a birthday! We strive to have a birthday party to celebrate all birthdays that occur each month. Some children have sponsors that provide gifts for their sponsored children but then there are children with no sponsors. A few times a year, we take the children for a birthday swim if funds allow.

We are looking for someone who will sponsor birthday celebrations for children who would not otherwise have a party. 

Benefit: Provide cake, sodas, purchase a small gift for the ones who didn’t receive gifts/money from their sponsors. Our birthday parties are very special days for the children.

Budget: $1,980 (Annually) or $165 (Monthly) 


Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.

Animal Care and Supply

Need: Increase and sustain livestock production. (cows, goats, pigs, turkeys, and chickens).

Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home compound

The Sonrise Children’s Home is striving to become 60% self-sustaining within 5-years. Please pledge to support our animal production and community impact initiatives.


  1. Provides food and income for our Children’s Home (100 children and adults) and Community School (300 children).

  2. Supports our economic development projects in partnership with the villagers in our area of influence. Our goal is to come along-side our village families in agreement to care for and reproduce granted animals so they may provide for themselves. We want them to realize our help as a hand-up and not a hand-out.

  3. Double our production of animals which includes needed veterinary care, employ caretakers, provide feed and other items necessary to this need.

  4. The chickens, cows, goats, pigs, turkeys provide meat, eggs, and milk for our home and school. Any overage we experience can be sold for income.

Budget: $18,000 (annually) or $1,500 (monthly) 

Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.