Gift T. N.


Born 2002

Gift's father passed away leaving her in the care of her mother. The mother remarried a man that already had many children. Step-children are not treated well here, and most are like outcasts.  The step-father was abusing Gift to the point she couldn’t stay there any longer, and the mother couldn’t do anything to stop the abuse from happening. She was brought to a ministry in town by her mother to take care of her. That ministry had to close down this year due to unforeseen reasons. The director contacted Ivan and Melissa Mukulu and asked them to take Gift in so she wouldn’t have to go back to the abuse in the village. Due to her age and the abuse recieved, they decided it would be best for Gift to go to the Mirembe Cottage with other girls her age. Mirembe agreed to take her in. Please pray for Gift that she will adjust well here at Sonrise and that she will come to know and love the Lord one day.