We are more than conquerers through Him that loved us


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Eph 6:12

Letter to our partners,

Our Sonrise and Mirembe partners in Uganda are experiencing a dramatic increase in satanic attacks. Its affecting the on-ground families in very real ways.

For those that have visited Uganda have seen or heard of the ever-present attack that exists. Demonic influences are very real. There are practicing “witch doctors” in our ministry areas.

There are prayer walks planned where our partner ministries are operating. We implore you to pray for satan to be held at bay from entering our properties, families and children under our care.

They are starving for their yearly visitors who have been faithfully investing time, sharing Christ love on their properties and surrounding villages. They long to see you return to bring a refreshing Spirit of Jesus. You are missed, not just to be there but to pray with them. Love on them, hug them. Please do not allow fear stop you from being a messenger of God to those that need your hugs and prayers on the red clay where they have been led to be Christ in the flesh to those in their area of influence.

The good news is that their 8 churches are increasing in the number of believers with some groups unable to fit in their small facilities where they meet.

Father God, in Jesus name, we humbly seek your protection and guidance for our leaders, staff and families in Uganda!

Thank you,
Sonrise Ministries Inc.

Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. - I John 4:4